国際シンポジウム「ルワンダのジェノサイドと国際協力 ~残虐行為と難民流出をどう予防すべきか~」


2014年6月20日 18:20~21:00










Organized by Rikkyo University, Meiji University and International University of Japan’s “Human Resource Development Program for International Cooperation”

International Symposium on World Refugees Day
“Rwandan Genocide and International Cooperation
- How to prevent atrocity and exodus of refugees?”

June 20, 2014 18:20-21:00
Rikkyo University

The year 2014 marks the 20th commemoration of the genocide in Rwanda as well as the mass exodus of Rwandan refugees, which became one of the worst humanitarian crisis in history. We would like to use this opportunity to discuss the context of the genocide in Rwanda and its impact on the African Great Lakes region from the refugees and displaced persons and returnees’ point of view. Then, in order to prevent such an atrocity in Rwanda and elsewhere in the world and to aim for durable peace, we shall explore how the international community should be engaged in international cooperation.

Professor Filip Reyntjens (University of Antwerp, Belgium), one of the world’s leading experts in African Great Lakes region, especially in the areas of Rwandan politics and law, will speak at the keynote lecture. With the influence of film "Hotel Rwanda", many researchers and students grew strong interest in genocide, ethnic conflict and reconciliation. It will be a significant learning opportunity for them to learn about the gap between theory and reality about refugees, development, governance and peacebuilding.

18:20-18:30: 開会のあいさつ: 白石典義 立教大学副総長
米川正子 立教大学21世紀社会デザイン研究科特任准教授

Opening remark: Noriyoshi Shiraishi, Vice President, Rikkyo University
Masako Yonekawa, SA Associate Professor, Graduate School of Social Design Studies, Rikkyo University
18:30-18:40: ビデオ・メッセージ ジョセフ・セバレンジ School for International Training (SIT) 研究科助教

Video message from Joseph Sebarenzi, Adjunct Professor, SIT Graduate Institute
“Rwandan Refugees: A Consequence and a Cause of Human Rights Violations”
Please note that his video message is not included in the footage but will be included in the upcoming report)
18:40-19:35: 基調講演 フィリップ・レインツェンス アントワープ大学法学・政治学教授

Keynote Lecture: Filip Reyntjens, Professor of Law and Politics at the Institute of Development Policy and Management, University of Antwerp.
"Twenty Years On: Is Rwanda a Safe Place in 2014?"
19:40-20:40: パネル・デイスカッション Panel discussion
1.ローレンス・ビネ 国境なき医師団(MSF)インターナショナル、MSF財団人道問題研究所リサーチ・ディレクター

Laurence Binet, Research Director, MSF International in charge of Speaking Out Case Study Project
“MSF Speaking out on Refugee Issues during the African Great Lakes Region Crisis 1994-7”

2. 米川正子「帰還か避難か?難民の恐怖と国際社会の理解」

Masako Yonekawa “Repatriation or Evacuation? International Community’s Understanding on Refugees’ Fear”
(兼モデレーター: moderator)

3. 武内進一 日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所地域研究センター次長

Shinichi Takeuchi, Deputy Director-General, Area Studies Centre (African Studies Group), Institute of Developing Economies
“Refugees and land tenure: Rethinking the experience in Rwanda”
20:40-21:00: 質疑応答 Q&A

司会/MC: 小川蘭那 立教大学経営学部2年生 Ranna Ogawa, Sophomore, College of Business, Rikkyo University

講演者・討論者の略歴 Short CV of Lecturer and Discussants

【フィリップ・レインツェンス】(Filip Reyntjens)


With his specialty in constitution law, he has been researching Africa’s Great Lakes region and Rwanda in particular for 40 years. He has acted as an expert witness before the ICTR and the ICC, and has done consultancy work for several ministries of Foreign Affairs and development co-operation and for international NGOs. He has been a visiting professor in Paris, Pretoria, Butare (Rwanda), Kinshasa and Mbarara (Uganda) and the Vice-Rector of the University of Mbuji-Mayi (DRC).

【武内進一】(Shinichi Takeuchi)


Former Senior Research Fellow at JICA Research Institute. Specialized in African studies (Central Francophone Africa) and international relations. Before conducting research on Rwanda, he has previously conducted field research in Republic of Congo and Gabon.

【ローランス・ビネ】(Laurence Binet)


Former journalist. Since she joined MSF in the 1990s, she has been in charge of the MSF Speaking Out Case Study project and has also been developing other projects with the objective of building a documented history of MSF in various fields: operational choices, humanitarian diplomacy, evolution of the institution etc.

【ジョセフ・セバレンジ】(Joseph Sebarenzi)


Survivor of Rwandan genocide who lost his parents, seven siblings etc. during the genocide. He has experienced refugee three times. After having served Speaker of Parliament from 1997 to 2000, he sought asylum in the US. Specialized in post-conflict reconciliation and human rights.

【米川正子】(Masako Yonekawa)


As ex-UNHCR staff member, she has worked to protect returnees in post-genocide Rwanda, Rwandan refugees in DRC and Tanzania, as well as other caseloads in Republic of Congo and South Sudan etc.

後援: 公益社団法人アムネスティ・インターナショナル日本、国連難民高等弁務官事務所駐日事務所、特定非営利活動法人国境なき医師団日本、 日本アフリカ学会関東支部、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ Supporters' organization: Amnesty International Japan, Human Rights Watch, Japan Association for African Studies, Medecins Sans Frontieres Japan, UNHCR Japan