


We welcome a student from Hong Kong University for a short-term internship in Center for Global Human Resource Development


立教大学グローバル教育センターは、6月中旬から7月中旬の5週間、香港大学の学部生であるJolice(CHUI Ka Hei)さんをインターンシップ生として受け入れています。 滞在中は、立教大学の職員や学生との情報交換や、グローバル教育センターが実施しているプログラムの見学・支援等を行ってもらいます。最終的に立教大学をPRするコンテンツを英語で作成し提案してもらう予定です。

Please check Jolice's activities on our new Official Facebook!




Jolice, CHUI Ka Hei



インターン生であるCHUさんにとって充実したインターンシップになるように、センター職員がプログラムを練り、お迎えしました。 そして、今年も立教大学の2名の学生が8月には1ヶ月間、香港大学でインターンシップを経験させていただくことになっております。学生たちは素晴らしい体験ができるはずです。この相互協定が今後とも続くことを願っております。

(グローバル教育センター長 松本 茂)


Center for Global Human Resource Development of Rikkyo has accepted a student (Ms. Chui) from Hong Kong University, for 5 weeks from mid-June. During the program, she will exchange information with the staffs of Rikkyo as well as students. Also, she will have chances to visit and support classes and programs which CGHRD conducted. We are expecting her to create the PR contents of Rikkyo University, both in English and Chinese, by the end of the internship.

To students and staffs who are wishing to have a talk with Ms. Chui, please drop by to the counter of our office, Center for Global Human Resource Development.

Comment from Jolice

It is my pleasure to have the opportunity to join the Center for Global Human Resource Development of Rikkyo University as an internship student this summer. The Center has organised various programs with different approaches to enhance the individual soft power of Rikkyo U's students, and I am happy to have chances to assist the interesting programs.

All the staff members here are friendly, helpful and professional, and I can observe the great quality of Rikkyo's education from their attitudes towards each piece of works. I am looking forward to doing my best to help the staff members and gaining vivid experience during these 5 weeks, and I am sure these 5 weeks will be one of my best memory to build up my own strength.

Comment from Professor Matsumoto (Director of CGHRD)

It is our privilege to welcome a student of the University of Hong Kong as an intern for five weeks with our center. This is the second consecutive year that we have had a student form the University of Hong Kong, which is well-known worldwide, and according to the 2018 University Rankings in Asia, is ranked as the fourth best university in Asia.

Since our staff members have planned to make her internship useful and meaningful for her future career, I am sure that our intern from Hong Kong will learn a great deal here at Rikkyo University. This internship program is reciprocal with the University of Hong Kong, and as a matter of fact two students from Rikkyo University will have a chance to do internships in August. I am quite sure they will have a number of great experiences, and I hope that this program will continue and flourish for many years to come. 

(Director, Shigeru MATSUMOTO)


Tel: 03-3985-4613