




異なる視点、スキルを持った人と活動する中で、自分だけでは解決できなかった問題と向き合うことや、 逆にメンバーから「あの時の行動がよかった」と評価をもらう事もありました。誰かと一緒に何かをやり 遂げる事、その時に主体的に行動することが目標達成に良い影響を与えることを学びました。
立教GLPでの様々な経験が、自分がこれからどう生きたいのかを考えるきっかけとなりました。 これから受講する人にとっても、きっと意義のある授業になるのではないかと思います。

コミュニティ福祉学部 映像身体学科 4年 菅野 将貴

Leadership development with classmates of diverse backgrounds

In GL202, I learned questioning skills to reinforce leadership by utilizing action learning method. We also had reflective discussions after every session in order to exchange feedback on leadership actions among diverse students from around the world. That motivated me to improve and develop my own leadership even more. I’m sure that the learnings from GL202 and other global leadership programs are helpful for my student life at university and my career after that as well. For exchange students of Rikkyo University, I strongly recommend to take GL202 during your stay in Japan. It will provide you with special experiences and learnings which will be valuable for you and your future.

経営学部 国際経営学科 3年 辻 遙香

英語力、リーダーシップを身につけたい人へ! ― GL202の魅力





In GL202, students strengthen their ability to express leadership through inquiry. Students are able to learn many things from this class such as how to ask the most suitable questions in diverse environments and ways to show leadership without authority. The prerequisites for the course are GL101, GL111, GL201, or BL0. Some English skills are required as the class will be conducted in English. GLAP students will also take the course.

As a student in this class, I learned through action learning (an approach to problem solving) that asking questions is just as important as saying an opinion to show leadership. It is challenging but extremely exciting to find the core to the problem presented and contribute to finding possible solutions with group members.

I highly recommend taking this course to all who enjoy actively participating in class, those who want to hone their English skills, or those interested in working at a global company in the future!

Global Liberal Arts Program所属 杉田采夏

I really recommend taking GL202 for all the students


The other title for GL202 is “The Leadership through Inquiry”. We learn about leadership through asking questions.

For the Leadership section, we work in groups to understand diversity. Leadership we learn in GLP is not the thing only charismatic people have, but the thing everyone can have. I understand that the important thing about leadership is Leadership in the team. In order to work in a team, it is very important to understand others through communication. That’s why we learn about inquiries.

For the inquiry section in GL202, we first have input about how to ask questions effectively in diverse environments. Then, we try to output through “Action Learning”, which we can only use inquiries through discussion to solve the problem. Action Learning is quite difficult because we tend to express our own ideas, but by only asking questions, we can find the real core of the problem and that was the most interesting part of GL202.

I really recommend taking GL202 for all the students. Students who want to enjoy active learning and having new diverse friends, I of course recommend, but for those who are not confident in your English or communication ability, I would also recommend taking this course. You can provide more diversity into the classroom, and I surely know that other students will help you show the new world! Let’s CHALLENGE together!

Kanon Shiraiwa (GL202, spring 2021)

経営学部 国際経営学科 3年  白岩花音
